About PeacePoint

At PeacePoint we encourage Christians to restore relationships broken by conflict and equip them to resolve disputes fairly for God's glory and for their good. We teach biblical principles of Christian Resolution & Reconciliation and make resources available to people and churches facing conflicts and disputes. For those interested in helping others, we provide training, so they can serve as Peace Advocates. When conflicts and disputes arise, we follow a biblically based process to guide those seeking a God honoring resolution in which Peace Advocates provide coaching, mediation and arbitration as needed. We also provide training and administrative support to help church leaders promote and pursue peace in their churches.

PeacePoint is a Christian ministry with 501(c)(3) tax exempt certification from the Internal Revenue Service. PeacePoint is not affiliated with any particular church or denomination but recognizes biblical principles common to all Christian churches. We cooperate with church leaders, ensuring that they always retain pastoral responsibility and the authority to exercise appropriate oversight.